Software Vault: The Platinum Collection
Software Vault (The Platinum Collection)(American Databankers Corporation).ISO
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File List
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│ 19 - Religious Programs and Materials │
1STKEY.ZIP 49026 07-18-93 First Enochian Key From The Black
| Bible.
ACTS30.ZIP 189348 09-05-93 ACTS 3.0 EGA Bible maps, text and quiz
| An interactive Bible atlas and quiz
| based on the N.T. Book of Acts. Visually
| follow the journeys of the 1st century
| apostles as you read.
APRAYV10.ZIP 116644 11-29-93 APRAYV10 v1.0: A prayer Diary program.
| Calling all Bible believing Christians!
| The purpose of this program is to all
| you to enter the date of a prayer
| request, a description, and the date of
| the answer. Reports may be generated.
BABELTXT.ZIP 62161 08-06-93 Iraq - Babel - Babylon - What is the
| common denominator these names share?
| Read about the time when the Ancients
| decided to try a "New World Order" and
| what happened in the Land of Shinar;
| Bible-based hypertext document.
BARMITZ1.ZIP 186719 10-12-93 Smart-n-Easy tm Bar Mitzvah Planner
| v1.1: Complete bar/bat or b'nai mitzvah
| planner. Simplifies the planning and
| provides many organized reports.
| Includes planning guide, speech
| composition, expense tracking,
| checklists, appointment scheduler,
| seating chart, gift tracking, guest
| maintenance and much more!
BEST3.ZIP 11399 08-29-93 The personality of the Holy Spirit -
| Torrey.
BEST4.ZIP 14020 08-29-93 "The power of prayer" - Torrey.
BEST5.ZIP 13895 09-03-93 The prayer of faith" - Torrey.
BEST6.ZIP 18937 09-05-93 "How to pray" - Torrey.
BEST7.ZIP 11483 09-06-93 "Jesus - the great attraction" - Torrey.
BIBDAYD1.ZIP 76116 11-17-93 BIBDAY v1.0: Bible verse of the day
| program that displays a random Bible
| verse when you boot your PC or whenever
| you would like to run it; text colors,
| CLS options and screen pause options
| are configurable & you can add your own
| verses using an ASCII editor.
BIBLMIX.ZIP 141346 06-02-93 Bible Mixer v2.1. Tests your Bible
| knowledge by challenging you to
| unscramble mixed-up words from the
| Bible. Includes Word Mixer v1.1 to
| increase vocabulary for ages 8 and up.
| Spanish Mixer 1.1 will increase your
| Spanish vocabulary.
BIB_BOM.ZIP 18234 08-14-93 Biblical evidence of the Book of
| Mormon.
BLODBHND.ZIP 15931 05-30-93 Although the book of Hebrews has been
| greatly ignored by Christian Scholars
| and laymen alike, it contains some of
| the most important, basic doctrines in
| the Bible.
BROOKDRY.ZIP 13562 05-30-93 Some of the most dramatic and
| adventurous stories in the Bible revolve
| around the meteoric rise of Elijah the
| Prophet.
CLOTHING.ZIP 4489 11-01-93 Text File discussing the Pharisaical
| attitudes of pastors in many churches
| today concerning `Religiously Correct'
| types of clothing. Don't let this fool
| you, in no way is it pertaining to
| `anything goes' mentality.
CMTS33A.ZIP 305800 10-10-93 CMTS v3.3: (1 of 3) Award Winning
| Church Management System. Modules for
| membership, donations, fund accounting,
| visitation, attendance, and an optional
| report writer. Exceptional product
| support.
CMTS33B.ZIP 366629 10-10-93 CMTS v3.3: (2 of 3). Award Winning
| Church Management System.
CMTS33C.ZIP 443946 10-10-93 CMTS v3.3: (3 of 3). Award Winning
| Church Management System.
CRJ0009A.ZIP 4692 10-27-93 The Faulty Foundation Of The Five-Fold
| Ministry" by Robert M. Bowman. From: The
| Christian Research Institute.
CRJ0010A.ZIP 17848 10-31-93 "Hate Begotten Of Hate" An Article on
| Louis Farrakhan And The Nation Of Islam.
| From: The Christian Research Institute.
CRJ0011A.ZIP 4824 11-11-93 The PTL Scandal And Biblical
| Repentance," by Dr. Walter Martin. From:
| The Christian Research Institute.
DLYPRAY.ZIP 28454 07-01-93 Daily Devotions From The Book Of Common
| Prayer. Quick, Simple, Variable
| Selection Of Prayers.
FIRSTDAY.ZIP 3861 10-17-93 You're First Day In Heaven. What It
| Will Be Like According To Scripture.
GENESIS1.ZIP 73471 10-11-93 Text of Genesis 1 in Hebrew and
| English, with interlinear translations
| and Strong's numbers. Requires Windows
| 3.1, since this is a Windows .HLP file,
| and requires a Hebrew font installed
| under Windows.
GODCONV.ZIP 19550 09-14-93 Conversations with God. No JOKE!
| Messages from our Creator to the people
| on Earth. Very serious. A blessing to
| read for people of ALL faiths.
GODSPEED.ZIP 171552 06-26-93 A small Bible Concordex. Reference.
GOSPEL10.ZIP 170132 06-14-93 GOSPEL PARALLELS v1.0: Matthew, Mark,
| Luke, and John. All 4 Bible gospel books
| side by side for parallel comparison.
| Menu driven. Notepad. Topical reference.
HUSBANDS.ZIP 20514 07-17-93 Text Of A Church Sermon: God'S View Of
| A Good Marriage, The Man's Role.
IHN.ZIP 366015 08-11-93 In His Name: Daily Biblical Devotional
| For Windows 1 - Runs Everytime Windows
| Is Started.
ISRAEL20.ZIP 97475 06-07-93 ISRAEL/LAND OF PROMISE-History w/ maps
| A tour through the Old Testament and
| history of Israel using maps, graphics
| and text.
JEWPUB.ZIP 4250 08-03-93 Catalog of Jewish genealogical
| periodicals compiled by Jim Yarin/Warren
| Blatt for Masspocha Vol. II.
KEEPERS.ZIP 7915 11-11-93 Keepers of the Flame: An original
| Christian poem. ASCII/GEOSWrite formats.
LDS1193.ZIP 12849 10-30-93 Application for the LDS Netmail system.
| A netmail strictly for members of the
| Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
| Saints (the Mormons). Includes many
| church-specific conferences. This system
| is one of a kind that you will find
| anywhere! Join up today!
LOAVES.ZIP 15812 06-12-93 Discussion on the parable of "feeding
| the 5000."
MVERSE30.ZIP 93224 06-30-93 MEMORY VERSE v3.01: Helps user to
| memorize important Scripture passages.
| Over 300 verses included. User can add
| to database of verses. Mouse and printer
| support.
PN090984.ZIP 309867 05-06-93 Piper's Notes. "Camaraderie in the Fight
| of Faith" by Dr. John Piper. Requires
| VGA. Mouse Optional. From Insights
| HyperMedia.
PN84DSK3.ZIP 127695 07-25-93 Piper's Notes are sermon notes by Dr.
| John Piper via excellent GUI interface.
| Req: VGA.
REINCARN.ZIP 44569 06-01-93 Christian Reincarnation v1.0: Theory
| about the possibility of reincarnation
| and Christianity as being part of the
| same scheme called the "God Plan."
SOCIETY.ZIP 15458 09-05-93 Christian's response in a pagan society.
STDYIT01.ZIP 308743 10-21-93 Home Bible Study-Ware. Sep/Oct issues.
SWORD1K.ZIP 222553 06-24-93 Program to help you memorize Bible
| verses. It has great graphics and many
| different levels of interaction. If you
| memorizes scripture take a look at this
| program.
TORREYS.ZIP 54312 06-19-93 A series of sermons and comment by R.
| A. Torrey on various biblical subjects.
| If you are a student of the Word you
| will enjoy these.
WBIBLE.ZIP 607468 09-18-93 BIBLE Search with entire KJV-NT in text
| form. View-Print-Edit the matching
| verses. Save matches for later view-edit
| functions. Very easy to use menued
| options.
WHATVERS.ZIP 34183 06-02-93 61 bible verses for the day. Freeware.
_1KJVTXT.ZIP 58480 08-03-93 An overview of the construction
| /sequencing of the King James Bible used
| by Protestant Churches. In hypertext
| format with options.
_1SPIRIT.ZIP 81745 08-08-93 Parakletos - A Greek Word for Holy
| Spirit. Discusses the workings of the
| Holy Spirit throughout the Bible and
| presents surprising Scripture text
| concerning the Gospel. Now in Hypertext
| format with options.